Latest News
Learn more about our priorities and the policies and practices that are shaping the aggregate extraction landscape in Ontario.

Ontario Divisional Court Decision Provides Progress Towards More Equitable Taxation in Ontario
A recent decision by the Ontario Divisional Court represents significant progress towards increasingly equitable and fair taxation in Ontario municipalities.

Ontario’s lax rules leave local taxpayers on the hook for aggregate mine cleanup
Communities around the GTA fear they will bear the brunt of the impact of a growing demand for aggregate caused by infrastructure projects.

Doug Ford’s new highways will fuel demand for gravel from GTA quarries.
Critics say the government has not done enough to implement necessary checks and balances to protect nearby communities.

Burlington anti-quarry campaign joins Ontario-wide push to halt gravel mining
As the spring provincial election draws near, politicians are being pressured to re-examine the rules for an industry they say advances climate change, displaces wildlife and uses precious groundwater resources.

Wellington County And Top Aggregate Producing Municipalities Call For Fair Approach To MPAC Property Valuation
Wellington County and other TAPMO members presented several policy-driven solutions to Mr. Cho that would make the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation’s (MPAC) property tax valuations equitable.

Tribunal ruling means Wellington County pit operators owe millions in back taxes
Gravel pits in southern Wellington County owe millions in backdated property taxes after an Ontario court ruled they were assessed too low by the Municipal Property Assessment Corp. (MPAC).